Refrigerant recovery, recycling and reuse. A webinar for service engineers and technicians

25 Sep 2018 10:30 to 11:30

Refrigerant recycling and recovery is now becoming a vital issue for the rachprecovery cylinder 2
industry as HFC refrigerant supply becomes limited by the phase down.  We can expect to see more recycled and reclaimed refrigerant being used as a result. This webinar will explore some of the key issues and questions about these practices including:
- Environmental and legislation around refrigerant recycling and use  
- Refrigerant recovery and transfer processes– recovery machines, cylinders and waste transfer  
- When to reclaim and when to recycle
- How to use reclaimed refrigerant 


1. Introduction from the chairman
2. Environmental and legislation essentials
3. Good practice in recovery and transfer - getting the processes, equipment and paperwork right
4. Reclaim or recycle? Hints and tips for contractors on what you can do and when you can reuse.
5. Question and answer session
Note - sign up for the webinar to join the live event or receive a recorded copy of the presentations and discussion.

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